AGM 2024

Attendance and postal voting    


Euroclear Sweden – Anmälan (Swedish)    

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Euroclear Sweden – Registration (English)    

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2024 (English)

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

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2024 (English)

Notice and Agenda of Annual General Meeting

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2024 (Swedish)

Kallelse och dagordning för årsstämma

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2024 (English)

Power of Attorney for the Annual General Meeting

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2024 (Swedish)

Fullmakt för årsstämman

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Form for Postal Voting

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Formulär för poströstning

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13 June 2024 (Swedish and English)

The board of MGI – Media and Games Invest SE complete proposals to the annual general meeting

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2024 (English)

The Nomination Committee’s proposals to the Annual General Meeting

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2024 (Swedish)

Valberedningens förslag till årsstämman

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2023 (English)

MGI – Media and Games Invest – Annual Report

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2023 (Swedish)

MGI – Media and Games Invest – Årsredovisning

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2024/2036 (English and Swedish)

Terms and conditions of warrants of series

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